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Let’s Go Fly a Kite!


Let’s Go Fly A Kite!


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Let’s Go Fly a Kite!


You Never Miss?

And You’ll Be
Like Clementine

A Social

Better Late
Than Never?


One Out,
One In

Out Of
Your Shade

Into Twilight

You Are There

Daddy’s Girl
Has Fallen Down

Aap Jaisa Koi

I’d Forgotten Just How Beautiful You Are

Miss Japan?


Composer:   Ed Hooke

Date of Composition:   1995

Date of Recording:    2001

About one of many crushes, characterised by self-doubt.

Dedicated to Juana-na-na-na-na.

When I bought some new recording equipment in 2001, I thought I'd use one of my 'lesser' songs to experiment with, in case I messed things up badly.  However I was so pleased with the results that I named the accumulative album  “Let’s Go Fly A Kite!” after it.

I'd rather be up there by your side

and like you I'd fly

and I would kiss you in the sky. 


I'd love to be up there by your side

and like you I'd fly

and I would kiss you in the sky.



Kite - soaring at such a height

Perhaps you'll breeze away.

I hope you always find the light.



If I tried to touch you,
would I rise or would you fall?

Would the clown discover
that the graceful kite is not in reach at all? 


Sky queen - radiant and serene.

You dance between the clouds

in red and bottle green. 

Mine has been a tangled line

and I'm not sure I know

which way the wind will blow. 


Kite - soaring at such a height

No-one should pull you down

and yet I fear I might.