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Let’s Go Fly a Kite!


Let’s Go Fly A Kite!


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Let’s Go Fly a Kite!


You Never Miss?

And You’ll Be
Like Clementine

A Social

Better Late
Than Never?


One Out,
One In

Out Of
Your Shade

Into Twilight

You Are There

Daddy’s Girl
Has Fallen Down

Aap Jaisa Koi

I’d Forgotten Just How Beautiful You Are

Miss Japan?

07 One Out One In.mp3

One Out, One In

Composer:   Ed Hooke
Date of Composition/Copyright:   1988
Date of Recording:    2003

Guest Vocalist:  Simon Alexander ‘Blob’ Wilkinson

Another piece of 1980s British social commentary.

This duet contrasts the circumstances and motives

of 2 people on a socialist March for Jobs.

 Blob described the end bit as sounding like a very mechanical office environment.

We march for jobs, the right to work.

to earn the keep of those I love.

Bleak queues we form to sign our names.

Calendars pass.  This line's the same line.


   Meanwhile back at the office

the software is almost complete,

taking tedium out of

mundane manual tasks...

Hours will be saved for us all.

Home sweet home where my heart fades

in shade unthreatened by light.        

Stuck in shut snap-shot albums                

family smiles of the past...                

Are they the last of them?       

   We March for Jobs, the Right to Work

for others' sakes, for my job is safe.

The Government must change its ways

and face the truth staring in our faces.