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The Futher Sermons of Father McKenzie


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The Further Sermons of Father McKenzie

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The Further Sermons of Father McKenzie 11 No Idea.mp3

Composer:   Ed Hooke
Date of Composition:  July 2018
Date of
Recording/Copyright:    August 2018

Oh dear.

No Idea…

She has no history.
She is a mystery.
Her name’s become a quiz to me.

What’s her name?  Do you have any idea?
No idea.  No idea.
Don’t you at least have just some idea?
No idea.  No idea.
No-one here seems to know her name.

Feel my frustration grow.
Nobody seems to know.
I will not let this mission go.

What’s her name?  I’ve got no idea.
No idea.  No idea.

Come on.  You must have got some idea.
No idea.  No idea.

To get her name unmasked
as I’ve myself self-tasked
yes, she herself must now be asked.

What’s going on?  I’ve got no idea.
Please, please, please, just a little idea?
I never got near discovering Nadia’s name...

She is not one of us.
She is anonymous.
I heard she travels on a bus.

I curse this stupid game.
What is this woman’s name?
Each answer I get is the same.

Surely someone has some idea?
No idea.  No idea.

So it’s so that nobody has any idea?
No idea.  No idea.
I fear I’ll never know her name.

My brain’s been chained and balled.
All my enquiries stalled.
What is this female stranger called?

What’s your name?  I’ve got no idea.
Please don’t mock.  Give me some idea.
But you of all people must have every idea!
Can’t you just let me have some idea?