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Laughs Giraffes & Epitaphs


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 Album:    Laughs,
Giraffes & Epitaphs

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Clocks, Cobwebs & Chalk


Washing Machine

Big Dig

Rumble Mountain

No More Heroes


Ed’s Sofa

Peg, Picture Piece - The Square Pags:
 Some Answer & That Hammer;  Unfit!

04 Retreat.mp3

Composer:   Ed Hooke
Date of Composition/Copyright:   1987-91
Date of Recording:    1994

Me being impressionable again, but this experience came 14 years after the one which inspired Clocks, Cobwebs & Chalk.  Walking alone, discovering an oasis-like park (flanked by"a dusty track concealed by hedges") near the flat in South Croydon that I shared with Lynne.

I've not been this way before

- a dusty track concealed by hedges.

Fragments of sun peep through

and dance upon my wakening eyes.

A woman walks her dog.

The distance shrinks their images,

receding into trees.

A light breeze rustles leaves around me.

I have found retreat.

Emerging through the vale,

a wooden style conducts me through

green pastures I never knew were here.

It's spring as if for the first time.

For the first time I see

- a voyage of discovery.

Can't wait till I get home

to tell you all about this wondrous world

that I have stumbled upon
